Sovereign Grace Church concluded her last gathering on Sunday morning, April 28th, 2024. We hope you will continue to gather together with us at Lincoln Wood Baptist Church. For more information please visit lincolnwoodchurch.org. Thank you.
La iglesia Sovereign Grace concluyó su última reunión el domingo por la mañana, el 28 de abril de 2024. Esperamos que continúen reuniéndose con nosotros en la iglesia bautista Lincoln Wood. Para más información, por favor visite lincolnwoodchurch.org. Gracias.
We are a local body of the Lord Jesus Christ. As you spend time with us, you’ll soon discover we’re an imperfect assembly, with an imperfect pastor, yet by God’s undeserved grace, we preach, believe, and know the perfect gospel of our never failing Lord Jesus Christ. We call His name Jesus for He shall (not might, not maybe) rather He shall save His people from their sins. And believing sinner you already know it! You are complete in Him, saved to the uttermost. AMEN! [Col 2:10, Heb 7:25].