Bendigo Reforming Church

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About Us

One of the mottos of the reformation period was semper reformanda, that is, always reforming. In its context it meant that the church of God's people are always being reformed by God's Word. So as sinners who are saved by the grace of God in Jesus Christ, we are also always reforming by the gospel of Jesus. It is this saving and reforming gospel that we preach and teach, love and live by. As a group of Christians who are part of the Reformed faith, we invite people to be reforming with us and serving with us in the gospel. We pray and plan to see Christ transform our church and community culture in Bendigo and beyond.

Basic Information
Oct 17, 2013
Service Times

10:30AM Sunday

Bendigo Reforming Church 17 Victa Road, East Bendigo VIC 3550 Bendigo, Australia