We are a group located at the Southern most point of the Big Island of Hawai'i. We are consumed with love for our fellow man. We wish to bring about a restoration of a community based on Biblical principals and convictions. In a world marked by instability and chaos we desire for a return to TRUE LOVE of neighbor and God. Our investment is not driven by money or control but rather TRUE FREEDOM from oppression of a selfish, indulgent, and sexualized driven culture. We wish to free families and children from depression, bullying, prejudices, and corrupt cultural norms. We desire Men to lead their homes and be true leaders in society, we desire Women to love their children and husbands, and we desire Children to respect adults and be rescued and established from a wicked and perverse generation. We are accepting of all peoples and wish to humbly serve all as servants. We believe that each individual person is not a creation of random evolution or an accident of their parents. Each person from day one in the womb to 100+ years is made in the image of God and has tremendous worth and dignity and possesses a variety of gifts that can be used to better society and glorify the One True God who gives life.