The church was established in October 1980 and is a member of the St. Lawrence Presbytery of the RPCNA. We are located in a small community on the southeastern shore of Lake Ontario and known as the Port City of Central New York. In addition to excellent public and private education opportunities, Oswego is also home to the State University of New York College at Oswego.
It is the mission of our Church to preserve, maintain and proclaim to the whole world the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the whole counsel of God; to gather into her fellowship those of every race and people who accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and promise obedience to Him; to build them up in their most holy faith, and train them to be witnesses for Christ in all His offices, to maintain the ordinances of divine worship in their purity, witness against all evil and in every way to seek the advancement of the Kingdom of God on earth.
In planning for Pastor Swartz's retirement, the Congregation called Pastor Gabriel Wingfield of Christ's Church, Providence, RI to succeed Pastor Swartz. Pastor Wingfield was installed as the new Pastor of Oswego RPC on July 24, 2020.