Great Sermon! Refreshing Truth!
I am more and more impressed whenever I listen to any of the Scottish and Irish Presbyterians, and Rev. Knox Hyndman is no different. He is another of the many great reformed voices bringing God's truth to the world.
Once again, a man NOT carried away by silly fanciful fantasy, the way so many ridiculous American preachers are when teaching on this subject of the Book of Revelation.
I am ashamed to say that in America it is the norm for people to accept and hold as truth, the utterly brainless translations of such biblically illiterate teachers as Hal Lindsey, Jack Van Impe and Tim Lahaye as Gospel.
I am so pleased to see that this seems to be isolated to America a only, because every time I listen to a Scottish or Irish Reformed Presbyterians teaching on Revelation, I Only hear sound truth such as the Good Rev. Hyndman is expositing in this fine sermon.
God Bless you Rev. Hyndman, and thank you for another sound teaching. I enjoy listening to your sermons and hope you will post more for the world to be edified.