Church and Family Life

ID ncfic Code# 04265

During the week of September 11, 2001, a gathering of pastors, elders and church leaders from across gathered with Vision Forum Ministries and the newly formed National Center for Family-Integrated Churches in San Antonio for the first ever “Summit on Uniting Church and Home.” At issue was the necessity of encouraging a reformation (and praying for a revival) concerning the relationship of the family to the local church.

At a time when God is turning the hearts of many fathers to their children, and where biblical patterns of Hebrew discipleship are being rediscovered and implemented in the homes of many families who have embraced home education, a glaring dichotomy still exists in those churches which practice unbiblical family-segregating, and teen-culture driven philosophies of church life.

The purpose of the Summit was to identify the basic issues which must be addressed for reformation to take place in local churches across America.

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