A Blessed Man Granted the Light of God
Amen brother Tom. Jesus came not to destroy but to fulfill that holy law of God. And indeed He came even to magnify the law, meaning to expand, to clarify, to increase in scope. For what purpose? So that those who would seek to establish their own self righteousness under the law, which is rightly condemnable and an impossibility (Galatians 2:16; 3:11), would have their mouths silenced before God who alone is just, righteous and holy. See then how Christ magnified that law to shut all self righteous, self boasting mouths: for He declared adultery is not just a mere physical act, but even looking at others to whom we are not married with lust in our hearts is sinful (Matt. 5:27-28). Christ also said murder is not a mere physical act either, but even when we hate or are angry at others, even reviling them (“you fool!”) are under judgment and in sin’s grip (Matt. 5:21-22). God’s law is not simply about the letter to convict us, but God’s Spirit that exposes the depravity in our souls. I love how you put it Tom, the Blessed Man is he who has been awoken to the true nature of his state and flesh: that all we can produce by our own faculties is sin and sinful. Knowing and swing that should drive us to the throne of grace and cling to the only Savior of sinners, the Lord Jesus Christ