American Presbyterian Church

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About Us

The American Presbyterian Church holds that the Bible is the inspired word of God. We hold to strict subscriptionism on the part of both members and office bearers to the Constitution of the American Presbyterian Church, (see on our website – We hold to the historic Reformed doctrine of worship known as the “regulative principle of worship”. This includes exclusive psalmody in all public worship services, no use of musical instruments, and no observance of unscriptural holydays, such as Christmas and Easter. We hold to the distinctives of temperance with respect to alcoholic beverages and a historic premillennialist eschatology. We hold with the early Presbyterians, who came to the colonies, to religious liberty, as was formalized in the 1787 revision of the Westminster Constitution. The civil magistrates as God’s ministers should enforce the second table of the law as an earthly ministry of justice among men. We hold to the historic position of the Reformed Churches with respect to the Biblical text. That is, we hold to the Masoretic Text of the Hebrew Scriptures and the Textus Receptus, or “Received Text” of the Greek Scriptures.

Basic Information
American Presbyterian
May 21, 2008
Listen Line
Listen to our live webcast using any phone without the need for internet data. Simply call (712) 432-3410 and when prompted, enter the Church Code: 69781.
Service Times

We are currently meeting over the internet on Skype. Please contact Robert Colbeck. 609-291-9405

American Presbyterian Church 213 Washington Street Bordentown, NJ 08505