Landmark Baptist Church

ID lbcwinchester Code# 57749

Landmark Baptist is an independent, fundamental Baptist Church. We believe in, and only use, the King James 1611 AV Bible. We reject the ecumenical movement, and discourage association with groups that are liberal in philosophy and deed.

We started in 1974 as faithful believers with a burden to preach the truth and build a church for Jesus Christ. God has called several men out of our church to preach the Word of God and pastor other churches. From a store-front building with a dozen members, to three buildings on ten acres, and hundreds in attendance, we say... To God be the glory! Great things He hath done!

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Listen Line
(712) 432-3410
Service Times

Sunday School: 10am
Sunday Worship: 11am, 5pm
Wednesday Bible Study: 7pm
*Nursery provided at all services
*Busses Run Before Sunday School & Wednesday Evening

Physical Address
Landmark Baptist Church 1223 Ironworks Rd Winchester, KY 40391