This is the most thorough and clearly defined explanation (and warning) of what it means to be a disciple of Christ that I’ve ever heard. This is a MUST hear sermon for believers and non-believers alike. I’m going to listen again and direct others to listen as well. Edifying. Well done, Daniel!!
This is the most coherent, thorough explanation (and warning) on what it means to be a disciple of Christ that I have ever heard. It opened my eyes to truths in the Word I had never seen before! Daniel, this is simply fantastic!! Would love the text copy if possible.
Downloaded a batch of sermons on marraige to unbelievers and was helped more than I had hoped or asked. This sermon is so faithful, yet understanding, compassionate, and yet convicting. Much here to use and grow in holiness from. Grateful to have heard this before wasting more years fretting at the Lord for this situation. Thank you for preaching it.
This message deals with various topics that are applicable to today's events in our churches and in our culture. The major portion of this message gives us a good picture of how Paul worked with Timothy in dealing with a variety of problems of that day. This is a helpful message for a better understanding of viewing our present church situation.
Hi Joe! Pete & I have thought of you & Pam so often! Now the Fort Hood tragedy reminds us again. Where are you located now? It doesn't look like you're still at Killeen Bible Church. Would love to hear from you!
Press on, brother. Your ministry and desire to honor God as He presents Himself in the revealed Word is refreshing. The outlines were also helpful. Glad to fellowship with y'all over the net.