Holy Trinity Church

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About Us

Holy Trinity is a worshipping community committed to growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ and working and praying for the peace of our cities and the world.


Holy Trinity is a worshipping community. Worshipping the Triune God is the first and highest calling of the Church and is the most powerful and formative thing we do. Every Sunday the God of heaven and earth graciously gathers His people into His house to serve them through the ministry of Word and Sacrament and thereby renews His covenant with them. At Holy Trinity our worship service reflects this biblical and historical pattern of worship as God calls us to worship, cleanses us our sins, consecrates us by His Word, communes with us at His Table, and commissions us for service.


Holy Trinity is a worshipping community. The gospel creates a new community and the first form of this community is the Church of Jesus Christ. The Church is and is called to be the image of our Triune God. As such our life together is to reflect the same kind of diversity in unity and mutual giving and receiving that characterizes the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. At Holy Trinity we pursue this kind of shared life through various formal and informal gatherings for celebration and service.


The word Christian literally means “Christ-one” and to be such involves being conformed to the image and likeness of Christ. This transformation occurs as we follow Jesus in the way of cross and thus grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ. This transformation has both individual and familial aspects, but is rooted in the church’s ministry of Word, Sacrament, and Prayer.


The mission of the Church can be summed up in one word: shalom or peace. In the Bible peace isn’t the absence of conflict, but the presence of God and all of his blessings. It thus involves restoration and wholeness in relationship to God and one another beginning in the church and in the home and extending outward to our neighborhoods, cities, and the ends of the earth.

What We Believe

A Christian Church

Holy Trinity is first and foremost a Christian Church affirming the essentials of the faith as outlined in the Apostle’s, Nicene, and Athanasian Creeds. As such we wholeheartedly believe and confess that God the Father sent His only Son Jesus Christ into the world for our salvation and that this salvation is made available to us by the power of the Holy Spirit in the context of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. These Trinitarian or “simply Christian” beliefs form the basis of our unity and cooperation with other churches, ministries, and Christians who are working and praying for the peace of our cities and the life of the world.

A Reformed Church

Holy Trinity is second of all a Reformed Church upholding the great truths of the Protestant Reformation as summarized in the various creeds and confessions produced during this period such as the Thirty Nine Articles, the Three Forms of Unity, and the Westminster Standards. We therefore believe and confess that Scripture alone is our final authority for faith and practice and that our salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, for the glory of God alone. These Solas of the Reformation comprise the basic building blocks of our world and life view and engagement with the issues of the day.

An Evangelical Church

Holy Trinity is third and finally an Evangelical Church emphasizing the gospel of God’s grace in Christ as the source of transformation for our lives, our families, our cities, and the world. As such we seek to proclaim and embody the gospel in word and deed by pursuing lives of righteousness, peace, and joy through the Holy Spirit.

Holy Trinity is a member church in Athanasius Presbytery of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches (CREC). The CREC is home to churches from various backgrounds (Presbyterian, Continental Reformed, Baptist, non-Denominational, Anglican) who are committed to the authority of Scripture, the historic Christian faith, reverent and joyful worship, and the lordship of Christ in every area of life. The CREC has around 75 churches in North America and a dozen or so in Europe and Asia.

Basic Information
Nov 17, 2014
Listen Line
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Service Times

Lord’s Day Service: 12:00pm (in sanctuary)

Holy Trinity Church Meeting at: Francis Asbury United Methodist Church 1800 E North Street Greenville, SC 29607