Grace Presbyterian Church is a friendly mix of families and singles that seeks to make visitors welcome. Our worship is characterized by reverent praise and a real engagement with the Christian Scriptures.
Grace is a congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC). Being a Presbyterian Church, we belong to the Reformed Christian tradition, tracing our biblical and church distinctives back to the sixteenth century Reformation, the early church, and beyond that to the infallible authority of the Bible, the Word of God.
We are an evangelical church, with a focus on the saving gospel of the Triune God. We are a connectional church, linked in a presbytery with like-minded churches and led by elders. We are a covenantal church; we believe that believers and their children belong, by God’s good pleasure, within his covenant of grace.
We are a church filled with sinners committed to living by grace, with integrity, and in obedience to Jesus Christ.
Please browse our site and listen to sermons by our two pastors, Dan Clifford and Steve Brown.