Grace Bible Church

ID gracebiblemorrill Code# 64972

We would love to have you visit! Our desire is that those who attend Grace Bible Church will come to worship faithfully, grow in their faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and their understanding of Him, get involved, and find a place where they can utilize their spiritual gifts – to know Christ and make Him known.
Each Sunday we have Sunday school for every age with the worship service following. If you desire, nursery is provided for both services. We meet again Wednesday evenings to study God's word. There is also a ladies group (Grace Women's Fellowship), and men's Bible studies to be involved in - to know Christ and make Him known.
In our worship service, we sing a mixture of traditional and contemporary hymns. Pastor Casey McNerney then teaches through a passage in the Bible, verse by verse - to know Christ and make Him known.
On Wednesday evenings, we offer Bible classes and prayer time for all ages - to know Christ and to make Him known.

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(712) 432-3410
Service Times

Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday Adult, Youth and Children Classes 7:00 p.m.

Physical Address
Grace Bible Church 107 Roxanna St Morrill, KS 66515