Grace Baptist Church

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About Us

Grace Baptist Church (GBC) is a reformed church holding traditional Baptist beliefs including: the eternal security of the believer, baptism for believers only and only by immersion, and the autonomy of the local church in its governance. The church observes baptism as an ordinance to be obeyed by those who have been born again and not in any way imparting saving grace to the one being baptized. Likewise, the church observes the Lord's Supper as an ordinance in remembrance of Christ's death and not in any way imparting saving grace to the partakers. In addition, GBC teaches that the Bible alone is God's inerrant, infallible, and authoritative Word; and that the Bible teaches that justification (salvation) is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, for the glory of God alone. In its teaching and preaching, GBC embraces the “Doctrines of Grace”, including the total depravity of man, unconditional election, particular redemption, irresistible grace, and the perseverance in the faith of all true believers. The elders of GBC teach the Biblical truth that regeneration by the Holy Spirit (the New Birth) precedes repentance and faith, which are both necessary for conversion. The church has an elder led form of church government.

Basic Information
Aug 8, 2020
Listen Line
Listen to our live webcast using any phone without the need for internet data. Simply call (712) 432-3410 and when prompted, enter the Church Code: 86635.
Service Times

9:30 Fellowship
10:00 Bible Study for Adults & Sunday School for Children
11:00 Worship Service

6:30 Bible Study & Prayer

Grace Baptist Church 12930 Border Drive Grand Bay, AL 36541