If you have not worshiped with us before, here is what you can expect. Morning service is offered at 9:30AM. Greeters will welcome you as you walk in, and they can answer questions you may have. If you have young children, we provide nurseries for them if you choose. When you're ready to be seated, an usher will assist you in finding a seat and provide you with an Order of Worship. You are invited to inquire about our nurseries, activities and ministries at the Information Center in the lobby.
Music plays an important role at First Byron. You'll find that a refreshing blend of contemporary praise songs and traditional hymns are used to praise God. Our highest priority is placed on proclaiming God's Word—reading the Bible and preaching God's Word. Each service is centered around a passage from the Bible and the pastor explains what God expects from His people in return for His gift of Salvation to us. During the morning worship service, we have an offering that covers our operating expenses and a designated cause. Also, during the service you will have the opportunity to sign the Fellowship Folder so we can acknowledge your visit.
During the morning service, many of the children who are pre-kindergarten and kindergarten age leave shortly after the beginning of the service to go to Children and Worship. Worship services generally last about one hour. After the morning service, coffee and cookies are served in the Fellowship Hall, which is just off the lobby. Please consider staying for coffee so that our members can have a chance to meet you.
Evening service begins at 5:00PM. This service is very similar to the morning service, although somewhat more casual. Again, the service lasts about one hour. The membership of First Byron is well-blended by age. While there are many young families with children, we have single adults, middle-age empty nesters, and there is a group of seniors as well. Whatever your age, visitors and new members will find many families of their own age. We think that you'll find First Byron to be a friendly church, where visitors and new members are welcomed.