Dean Bible Ministries

ID deanbibleministries Code# 09529

Dean Bible Ministries is the media outlet for the teaching ministry of Robert Dean Jr, the pastor of West Houston Bible Church. This ministry was formed to provide free distribution of sound Bible teaching media and materials for it is our desire to reach as many people as possible with the simplicity of the Gospel of salvation by faith alone in Jesus Christ alone and to provide spiritual nourishment to those who have put their trust in Christ and have come to understand the importance of a daily intake of the Word of God, the Bible, with our ultimate goal being to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ.
Since its founding, Dean Bible Ministries has distributed thousands of Bible class DVDs and has provided thousands upon thousands of MP3 audio downloads and online video Bible classes. Numerous small local assemblies without the means to support a resident pastor utilize our media for their worship services as well as individuals throughout the world use our media for personal and family studies.
Our ministry has always been and will forever be a grace operation. There is no cost associated with anything we produce. We believe God will provide the resources through the grace gifts of believers who freely contribute to support this ministry.
It is our hope and prayer that you find these materials edifying as you grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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(712) 432-3410
Physical Address
Dean Bible Ministries 1500 W. Sam Houston Pkwy. N., Suite 104 Houston, TX 77043