Dallas Presbyterian Church

ID dallasrpc Code# 06331

We are a congregation of the Free Church of Scotland Continuing (FCC) in the Presbytery of the United States. The FCC is a Presbyterian Church adhering in its worship and doctrine to the position adopted by the Church of Scotland at the Reformation. Today the FCC maintains in continuity with the Church of 1843 the system of doctrine and the form of worship adopted by the Church of Scotland at the Reformation. We have a high view of the Scriptures and biblical worship in the tradition of the Protestant Reformers. We sing the Psalms in worship and we look to the Westminster Confession of Faith as the best summary of our view of God, the holy Scriptures and the church.

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Listen Line
(712) 432-3410
Service Times

Lord's Day Morning Worship 10:30 am
Fellowship Lunch 12:15 pm
Sabbath Classes 1:15 pm
Lord's Day Afternoon Worship 2:15 pm

Physical Address
Dallas Presbyterian Church 571 Lakeridge Dr. Fairview, TX 75069