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We are a body of foul sinners washed white in the blood of the Lamb and growing up in Christ, our head, from whom the whole body, being joined and knit together by what every part supplies, is edifying itself in love.
Some of the doctrines which we believe are especially relevant in our day are:
Maintaining the centrality of the preaching of the whole counsel of God, the right celebration of the Sacraments, and the exercise of loving and restorative church discipline;
Believing the testimony of the Scriptures regarding a recent creation (i.e. about 6000 years ago) that excludes the possibility of having death (i.e. the wages of sin) in the earth before the fall (i.e. sin).
Promoting the instruction of our children in the precepts and statutes of God's word, speaking of them as we lie down, as we rise up, and as we walk by the way.