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The Friendly Church Invites You
Bloomington Chapel Brethren in Christ Church has roots that go back as far as the year 1919 when a group of people from southern Ohio came to Adair County to hold tent revivals. Though this early group did not establish a church, the seed was sown for later development of the Kentucky Brethern in Christ Churches. The first attempts to establish churches were made in 1927, thought they were somewhat slow in getting started. But, with dedicated leadership, the Brethern developed a strong group of churches in the area. Albert Engle, an early pioner Brethern in Christ preacher held the first tent meeting at Bloomington in 1928. This was a very successful meeting with many souls saved. Later in the year, the growing churches became so numerous and successful that Brother Engle secured the services of his cousin, William Engle from Ohio to come to Kentucky to assist. By the fall of 1929, a Sunday School attendance of 65 was reported by Bro. Engle.
And so, the work at Bloomington was begun. Many pastors have come and gone down through the years. Worship itself has changed from a location in the schoolhouse to a newly constructed edifice in the year 1960. The congregation took a step of faith in 1989 by calling their first live-in pastor and constructing its first parsonage. A picnic shelter was constructed across the road which soon proved a necessary convenience for fellowship meals, since the congregation had outgrown the basement of the 1960 structure. In 2006, the foundation was laid for a new place of worship. With phase I complete, we currently hold a clear title to the current Fellowship Hall/future basement of the new Bloomington Chapel Church. With plans for the future and a growing, willing congregation, the future looks bright at Bloomington. Bloomington Chapel has completed a new church facility to seat 250-275 and the first services where held January 5 2013.