Great Sermon!
This is a great message. Too many 'Christian' men think they have to 'lord' over their wives, some even demanding respect and submission and if that isn't done to their liking, they will withhold things, like conversation! This patriarchal type of religion is the O.T. on steroids - and it is not biblical. These same men have no clue what it means to love their wives as Christ loved the church - they mouth that verse but there is no heart connection. No wonder some marriages are so rocky. Not rightly understanding on both the husband and wife's part will lead to great disaster.
From the sermon pdf, " What I read is, “As one man sinned...”2 Adam got the blame although Eve was the first one to sin. That tells me, men, that God holds us responsible for our families and the wellbeing of our families, not only financially which we all can accept that, but emotionally and spiritually. And if our families are not healthy emotionally and spiritually we men are to blame. " Most misogynists will never admit to that - they blame women and feminism for all that is wrong with the world when, in fact, the blame most likely lies with them and their hard core military type mentality.
Great message!