Australian Christian Teaching Service

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About Us

New Creation material is now co-located with ACTS – Australian Christian Teaching Service seeks to provide a video/audio streaming service that will enable Preachers and Teachers appointed by God, to be heard across Australia and the world.

ACTS is non-denominational, broadcasting Teachers and Preachers who subscribe to what is commonly known as Reformed or Conservative teaching.

Today, it is possible to stream sessions in real time, into rural and remote churches and homes or to enable a guest presenter to participate in a Christian Seminar, Conference, Convention or classroom even if they are located in a remote location geographically.

The continuation of making available new recorded sessions in HiFi video and audio will enable those who may have missed a live streaming session, the opportunity to participate.

Basic Information
Mar 17, 2013
Service Times

Various meeting times.

Australian Christian Teaching Service TUMBY BAY SA 5605
Australian Christian Teaching Service PO Box 119 TUMBY BAY SA 5605