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News Item12/10/18 4:36 PM
John Pittman Hey | Greenwood, Mississippi  Protected NameContact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by John Pittman Hey
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Sure is a good thing everybody spent so much time and effort getting Kavanaugh confirmed! At least now the Planned Parenthood funding is safe!

Sermon8/17/18 2:47 PM
John Pittman Hey | Greenwood, Mississippi  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by John Pittman Hey
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Oh to Be With Our Lord Jesus!
John Pittman Hey
“ Reply to Marsha Fowler ”
My remarks about Dr. King's worldview are based upon his writings and his speeches. He clearly denied the bodily resurrection, the deity of Christ, the virgin birth, and the substitutionary atonement. He is widely regarded as a "modernist" who did not accept or preach the gospel. He made it clear, in his preaching, that he had no hope of the resurrection, that all his hope rested in this life. I know that is disturbing, because Dr. King had many excellent things to say about justice, and accomplished many good things. That is why he stands as a tragic public example of the profound sadness of having no hope in eternity.

Sermon3/19/18 11:57 AM
John Pittman Hey | Greenwood, Mississippi  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by John Pittman Hey
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The Controversial Billy Graham
John Pittman Hey
“ Response to FG ”
I would separate what Billy Graham preached, consistently and all the way to the end - that Christ Jesus is the only way of salvation - from his speculations about God's ways outside direct knowledge of Jesus. I think his speculations were incorrect and dangerous, but he never preached them or relied upon them when appealing to sinners to come to repentance and faith. I did address in the sermon the falsehood of Graham's speculations in these matters. His ecumenism with modernists and Romanists are of greater concern to me. I think they did more damage to the church. And yet, I don't doubt that BG trusted alone in the work of Christ on the cross as his only hope of salvation, repudiating his own works and relying only on Christ's atoning sacrifice. And that alone is why BG has been presented faultless before the Glory of Christ with exceeding joy. Not because he was in himself faultless, but because the Savior cleansed BG with His very blood at Calvary.

Sermon3/12/18 3:15 PM
John Pittman Hey | Greenwood, Mississippi  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by John Pittman Hey
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The Controversial Billy Graham
John Pittman Hey
“ Reply to comment ”
I did describe Billy Graham's compromise, and I did, several times, state that he should have been publicly corrected, and that believers should not have attended or supported his ecumenical crusades. But I'm afraid that some people won't be satisfied without a searing denunciation of the man. The entire point of the sermon was that, whatever his faults - and he had them - he has now been presented faultless before the presence of Christ with exceeding joy! None of the saints are perfect in our own selves, but when a believer is received by Christ at his death, then that saint is perfect before the One Who died to save us! All of Billy Graham's sins of the flesh have been buried with his body, awaiting the body's perfection at the resurrection. All of Billy Graham's sins have been taken away forever by the Savior's sacrifice and blood shedding at Calvary. We ought to rejoice that now Billy Graham is in glory, and all his faults have been taken away completely. This is the way it operates for all believers, including the ones that we thought were utterly wrong and harmful and disobedient while they still lived.

Sermon9/22/16 1:20 PM
John Pittman Hey | Mississippi  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by John Pittman Hey
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Forced to Pledge Allegiance
John Pittman Hey
“ Reply to George Schofield ”
I did not address the question of whether a Christian should say the pledge of allegiance in this sermon. p This sermon was about the evil of forcing other people to recite the pledge. To do so is to run afoul of Scriptural teaching. p It is also unpatriotic to force another man to say something he does not believe, or to force his conscience to say something he believes to be false. p Forcing a man to pledge allegiance is a far worse desecration of the flag than stomping it ground. Lovers of liberty will never be a party to such wickedness.

Sermon9/22/16 1:16 PM
John Pittman Hey | Mississippi  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by John Pittman Hey
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Besmirching the Honor of Jesus
John Pittman Hey
“ Reply to George Schofield ”
Nowhere in this sermon did I ever impugn the honor of the Revolutionary War patriots. On the contrary, I remarked how greatly God blessed their fight, because most men who rise up against tyranny are crushed by it, but God granted us a great victory.

Sermon8/2/16 7:26 PM
John Pittman Hey | Mississippi  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by John Pittman Hey
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Weak Saints But a Mighty Jesus
John Pittman Hey
“ Reply to a comment about this sermon ”
Shay Robinson, thanks for your comment. The reference to Obama that you objected to was to the mistake of offering health care to the well when it is the sick that need it. Christ had it right, when He proclaimed He came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. The reference to Obamacare was, therefore, an illustration of the point of Jesus' teaching. It is entirely proper to use illustrations from current events and the audience's experience to illustrate scriptural truths. Our Lord Jesus made reference to recent news events (e.g., the collapse of the tower that killed dozens of persons) to drive home His points. Peter and Paul likewise referred to extra-biblical events and personages to illustrate their teachings. Far less importantly, it is no breach of any tax exemption regulations to use such illustrations, or even to criticize government leaders in our sermons. In any event, it would be morally wrong to permit a government regulation or benefit to determine what is or is not spoken from the pulpit in our churches.

Sermon7/19/14 4:10 PM
john Pittman Hey | Greenwood, Mississippi  Protected NameFind all comments by john Pittman Hey
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Truth for Today
Rev. Ivan Foster
“ Great Comfort and Challenge to Believers! ”
This entire series on Ruth by Rev. Ivan Foster is such a blessing, and every one of the messages would be profitable to a believer to hear! This message particularly struck me - especially toward the end, when the dear brother makes it clear that we are to rest in the work of Christ for our sanctification. Well might we say with Naomi that "the man will not be in rest, until he have finished the thing this day." We must lay all duty upon Christ to perfect us and present us faultless before Him with exceeding Joy! Hallelujah, Christ has done all things well!

News Item10/26/09 3:34 PM
John Pittman Hey | Greenwood, Mississippi  Protected NameContact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by John Pittman Hey
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I'm pretty sure this lady is the wife of Rev. Peter Howe, whose messages may be heard on SermonAudio!

See [URL=^Peter^Howe]]]Peter Howe Sermons[/URL]

News Item8/7/09 11:12 PM
John Pittman Hey | Greenwood, Mississippi  Protected NameContact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by John Pittman Hey
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This Gospel of John project is well worth the support of Believers.

Our church has participated in it, and recently we received copies of the various imprints.

The print style and size are very readable and the entire piece is very attractive. Indeed, it would be nice to have the entire Scriptures printed in such a format!

Sermon4/30/09 10:03 AM
John Pittman Hey | Greenwood, Mississippi  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by John Pittman Hey
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Why Revival Tarries
Rev. Ivan Foster
“ A Strong Stand for Truth and Right ”
Bro. Foster, thanks for your strong stand for what is right and true, even when it means disagreeing with old friends. It's a pity when believers rejoice in a physical assault against a minister of God's Word. May the Lord keep you safe, and may hearts that are hardened be broken by God's Word.

Sermon10/28/08 11:04 AM
John Pittman Hey | Greenwood, Mississippi  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by John Pittman Hey
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The global money crisis
Rev. Ivan Foster
“ Interesting Analysis ”
Rev. Foster, thanks so much for this sermon - it is top notch preaching on the financial crisis the world faces. How very clearly you articulate the seduction of the world, and sadly many Believers, by commercial success. The analysis of the coming Babylonian world order, with its religous apostacy, political power, and economic success, is very clearly presented. How sad it is to see Christians drawn in to political and religious ecumenism by the "bottom line." In many many cases, materialism has separated us from our first love for Christ! As you put it, the sweet wine that draws men into great wickedness is very often prosperity bought at the price of compromise. In the churches, it is the fault of the shepherds for not boldly proclaiming God's Word to the people. How I pray that the church in Kilskeery will be able to find a new minister that will maintain the standard you have raised during your time there!

News Item8/23/08 1:58 AM
John Pittman Hey | Greenwood, Mississippi  Protected NameContact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by John Pittman Hey
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Just a correction: whatever his faults, Jimmy Swaggart has not been a promoter of the prosperity gospel. The article lumps him in with those who undeniably have promoted such a false teaching.

Swaggart is more an old-line Pentecostal - tending toward pessimism about the future, and preaching the Second Coming of the Savior. He was mostly known for preaching against Catholicism and immorality while others taught the prosperity gospel. Of course, being a televangelist, he gets lumped in with the rest of them. His strong preaching against sin was particularly striking in view of his lapses in the late 80s and early 90s.

If you listen to his preaching today, he still believes in the sign gifts, but he's mostly preaching a straight gospel message of salvation through faith in Christ's death at Calvary alone.

Sermon3/29/08 6:03 PM
John Pittman Hey | Greenwood, Mississippi  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by John Pittman Hey
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No Leniency with Sin
Rev. Ivan Foster
“ Putting away sin a necessary precursor to Revival ”
Listening to this message made my hair stand up on end! Rev. Foster delivers yet another solemn message from the God's Word to His people. So long as the sin of Achan is in the Church, there can be no revival or blessing. You really need to listen to all six of Foster's sermons on the Sin of Achan. Particularly important is his warning against partiality in our judgment and rooting out of sin. Joshua searched out sin in the royal tribe of Judah. Sadly, our churches often refuse to judge sins at the highest levels. Brother Foster preaches with great insight and power, even as he nears his retirement. I pray he continues to minister to Christ's church for a long time to come!

Sermon11/27/07 2:19 AM
John Pittman Hey | Greenwood, Mississippi  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by John Pittman Hey
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A stomach for the fight
Rev. Ivan Foster
“ Christian Men Needed! ”
Rev. Foster's sermon evokes a real need for Christian men to stand up for the faith in these dark days. Too many of us are craven cowards when it comes to taking a public, unpopular position against wickedness. Particularly striking is his reference to Judges 15:11, in which the men of Judah chided Samson for standing up against Israel's enemy - didn't he realize that Israel was completely subject to them? I had forgotten that humiliating incident. It seems that the problem with having men like Samson around is that they cause the rest of us to realize how frightened we are. Oh that we would all have the courage of the faithful saints of Hebrews 11!

News Item9/15/07 2:42 AM
John Pittman Hey | Greenwood, MS USA  Protected NameContact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by John Pittman Hey
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The point of quoting that particular verse from Job is this: that if our God is powerful enough and trustworthy enough and glorious enough to satisfy and command our obedience even in the darkest of times and most dreadful of trials experienced by Job, then surely we ought not waver in our trust and confidence in Him during WHATEVER befalls us.

"Though He slay me" implies the whole gamut of troubles, from the very smallest seemly trivial trial, to martyrdom itself. In ALL these, Job expresses his confidence and trust in God.

So should we.

I'm sure that the Lord helped Bro. Steven, and for that he and the rest of us are thankful.

Sermon9/5/07 8:23 AM
John Pittman Hey  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by John Pittman Hey
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Declaring the Testimony of God
Rev. Ivan Foster
“ A Great Exhortation for Preachers ”
This message offers a simple yet needful exhortation to the Gospel Minister to preach the whole counsel of God, and not fear what man thinks. How easy it is to preach against the evils of stage-coach robbing and horse stealing, and to ignore the application of God's Word to TODAY's issues. And what a heart for lost souls Bro. Ivan expresses - a preacher's cry that God's Word be acknowledged as Truth, and His Gospel embraced by those who are at present rebels and sinners! Oh that God's people would submit to that truth in their lives and in their churches as well!

Sermon4/2/07 11:36 PM
John Pittman Hey | Greenwood, Mississippi  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by John Pittman Hey
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“ A real rebuke to all believers ”
This message really stings the heart. Rev. Foster describes vividly our coldness toward Christ and toward God's Word. The Prayer Meetings are abandoned, the things of the world have shouldered out our longing for the Lord Jesus, what our Savior has delivered to us is not nearly so entertaining as the baubles and play-things of this world. Oh that we would value His Kingdom and His Righteousness above everything else. Oh that our prayer might be: "All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to His love!"

Sermon3/13/07 8:19 PM
John Pittman Hey | Greenwood, MS USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by John Pittman Hey
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Murderers in government
Rev. Ivan Foster
“ An intense and gripping exposition ”
Rarely will you hear so intense a message as Rev. Foster delivers in this sermon. His love for his land of Ulster, for the Jewish people, and for our Savior combine to create a powerful and gripping description of the awful consequences, both spiritual and political, of chosing murderers in the place of righteousness. Even if you have no interest in NI politics, this sermon's heartbreaking description of the anguished fate of the Jewish people, flowing from their rejection of Christ, is very striking to listen to. Truly, His blood will be upon us all one way or the other - for we will be saved by that fountain that cleaneth us of all unrighteousness, or judged because we have rejected the Savior. As the old hymn-writer put it, "Step out on the Promise! Get under the Blood!"

Sermon12/9/06 7:27 PM
John Pittman Hey | Greenwood, MS USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by John Pittman Hey
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Rev Ivan Foster - Testimony
Rev. Ivan Foster
“ A Real Blessing! ”
This testimony of Ivan Foster is a real blessing. It demonstrates the mighty power of God to save sinners. Also, it shows how the Lord uses little words of witness to prick the conscience of sin and the need to surrender. It will encourage Believers to be faithful in our witness, for who knows what great things the Lord may use our testimony to achieve. He promises in His Word, that it shall not return unto Him void, but it shall accomplish His purpose. Bro. Foster's real love for the lost, especially the lost Catholics in his country, really shines through in this testimony. Finally, it is a real joy to hear the little anecdotes of his life and ministry that give color to the man and cannot but heighten appreciation for his ministry. I recommend all Bro. Ivan's messages on SermonAudio - they never cease to be fresh and lively in the truth they reveal from God's Word.

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