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Sermon Travail of the Soul | Ken Wimer
Gay Marie Allen from Wisconsin
"Thank You Pastor, for another wondeful message faithfully preached! God..."
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Sermon Scripture and the Biblical Counseling Movement | Nathaniel Pringle
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Sermon6/14/2023 3:40 AM
Jeffrey Ludwig | New York City  Find all comments by Jeffrey Ludwig
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Responding To God's Word
Doug VanderMeulen
“ Great Sermon! ”
As a preacher seeking inspiration for a sermon I shall be preaching next Sunday on Colossians 1: 9-18, I turned to Pastor Vandermeulen's sermons at I knew that I wanted to bring out the special glory and purity of the gospel message, and had many notes. But the unity I was seeking was still to be found. This sermon provided that unity, namely that the Law reminds one that he is a sinner, whereas the Gospel of Jesus Christ that he is forgiven. Pastor Vandermeulen announces this simple but profound principle of understanding towards the beginning of this sermon, and then proceeds to add layer upon layer of understanding of this basic point. Christ is the One prophesied for centuries. He and He alone takes away the corruption of sin and frees us for eternal life with Almighty God. Christ Alone, Faith Alone, For the Glory of God Alone are profoundly brought together as the sermon awakens our minds as well as our hearts to the salvific power of the Gospel. And, as I have noted in other reviews of sermons by Pastor Vandermeulen, his preaching now has an intensity and focus that were not present to as great a degree 15 years ago. Although the word "anointing" is overused in some circles, I can only say that I believe this sermon is truly anointed.

Sermon1/15/2023 8:04 PM
Jeffrey Ludwig | New York City  Find all comments by Jeffrey Ludwig
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Justified Freely
Doug VanderMeulen
“ Faith is a powerful theme in Romans ”
Pastor VanderMeulen reminds us at the very beginning of this sermon of the endless wonders of the book of Romans. It is a fountain of truth and wisdom that could engross our attention for many lifetimes. In it, we drink deeply of Almighty God through Jesus Christ transforming our lives to that which is the acceptable, good, and perfect will of God. There are so many layers of wisdom and truth in this sermon, it would be beyond a SermonAudio comment to try to re-state them. But this commenter was struck particularly by the preacher's recounting of the contention between Martyn Lloyd-Jones and Billy Graham. Lloyd-Jones did not accept Mr. Graham's invitation to sit on the platform at Graham's first crusade in England. He explained to Mr. Graham that he (Graham) had reversed the process by which one followed Jesus, namely we do not first make a decision and then begin to move into being born again. We are first to be born again. We are born again by faith ALONE. (John 3:3) The sermon is rich with details, but it is an impassioned call to be thankful for our faith, to live out our faith, to rejoice in our faith, and to know that our faith has set us free -- it is a thrilling panorama as we move towards those "pearly gates."

Sermon12/28/2022 10:33 AM
Jeffrey Ludwig | Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Jeffrey Ludwig
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Stephen's Martyrdom
Doug VanderMeulen
“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon was delivered with unusual passion and intensity. It deserves this treatment because Christian biblical commitments and beliefs are increasingly being challenged in our society. However, Pastor Doug VanderMeulen reminds us at the beginning of the sermon how the demonic homosexuals attacked another pastor about 40 years ago in San Francisco when he fired a homosexual man who played the organ in an Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Although the case was won in court, the man and his family suffered years of persecution. The story of that horrible case can be read here: However, in the sermon that episode is to reflect a commitment to Christ that is parallel to that of Stephen in Acts. When we are blessed by the Lord, of course we should be grateful. But when horrible treatment abounds in our lives, we are equally challenged to be grateful and to respond in humble gratitude to our Lord and Savior. The sermon emphasizes that no matter what the appearances may be Jesus Christ is in control. The Lord is the Lord of society no matter whether we are seeing outcomes and behaviors we agree or disagree with as Christians. We must welcome His will in our lives and must maintain a strong witness of His Lordship!!

Sermon6/25/2022 11:31 PM
Jeffrey Ludwig | New York City  Find all comments by Jeffrey Ludwig
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Sola Fide
Doug VanderMeulen
“ A Penetrating Sermon on Faith ”
Pastor Vandermeulen's sermon is a tour de force of theological reasoning, philosophical analysis, and homely examples. He discusses faith as making truth claims, discusses the reflections of Ursinus, and gives some cogent examples of faith from his earlier life experiences with Evangelism Explosion. He also reflects upon such everyday, homely examples as opening and eating the contents of canned goods as well as sitting on a chair depending on the objective ability of the chair to support us, not merely a "hope" that it will support us. He points out at one point that some Bible deniers at one point said there was no ancient place named Sodom, but later an archaeologist unearthed some ancient list that named Sodom and Gomorrah -- cities that existed in realtime until they were torched by Almighty God. The entire 48 minutes were really engrossing, and were well-timed because I am now reading "Searching Our Hearts In Difficult Times" by John Owen which stresses the importance of faith. For example, I just finished the section entitled "The Use and Advantage of Faith in a Time of Reproaches and Persecutions." So if you are interesting in better understanding faith and in building up your own, this sermon is a must listen.

Sermon5/29/2022 6:08 PM
Jeffrey Ludwig | New York  Find all comments by Jeffrey Ludwig
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God The Holy Spirit
Doug VanderMeulen
“ An Intense Sermon About The Holy Spirit ”
This sermon uniquely considers the Holy Spirit as God. Ptr. Vandermeulen does not fall into the mistaken idea of the Holy Spirit as a mere "force" that sometimes comes into play in our lives or, on the other hand, identifying the Holy Spirit with various ecstasies and unusual phenomena as we sometimes find in charismatic or pentecostal churches. In his desire to reveal the power and richness of the Holy Spirit in the fullness of His Person and Essence, Ptr. Vandermeulen is preaching with an intensity that I have not heard in 15 years of listening to his sermons. His sermons are typically incisive, consistent, warm-hearted, and true to all known canons for Biblical exegesis. But, to repeat myself, this sermon is presented with an intensity that is remarkable which helps the hearers appreciate the significance of the topic, the life changing power of the Holy Spirit, correct knowledge of the Holy Spirit, and the application of that understanding to the world-life experience as a whole as well as application specifically to the born again body of Christ as a whole. He uses the terms "Common" and "Special" both as overarching categories and as subcategories to help us understand and to out-picture how the Holy Spirit operates in the world and in the body of Christ. Thank you.

Sermon5/7/2022 12:11 PM
Jeffrey Ludwig | New York  Find all comments by Jeffrey Ludwig
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Fear God?
Doug VanderMeulen
“ Being In The Presence Of Christ On The Cross ”
I do not recall hearing another sermon that brought to life the events of Christ's crucifixion like this sermon. In the course of the sermon, Ptr. Vandermeulen recommended a book by A.W. Pink that exposits the seven last words of Christ on the cross. I found that interesting because Pink's book about Elijah inspired me greatly. In that book, the reader (myself) felt as though I were literally present and observing the various events that unfolded in Elijah's life. In this sermon, for the first time, I really felt the same way about being present at Christ's crucifixion. I was not merely present at a recounting or re-summarizing of the events, but as if I were actually there, and thus could identify wholly with the reaction of the centurion. At the end of the sermon, we are asked to reflect, if possible, outside our comfort zones about the last moments that we each can anticipate having. Will we be dissolved in fear or will we be filled with hope and gratitude for the infinite caring and sacrifices of our beloved prophet, priest, and king? Or will be hardened in indifference? The narrative in this sermon was gripping. The final question addressed to the humanity hearing this sermon (in person or online) is as urgent and profound as any that might be asked.

Sermon6/7/2021 8:21 PM
Jeffrey Ludwig | New York City  Find all comments by Jeffrey Ludwig
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Luke 12:49-59
Doug VanderMeulen
“ we are called to be 'sons of Issachar' ”
Pastor Doug alerts us to the growing hostility towards Jesus Christ and toward Christians in America. We need to remain faithful, and be sure we do not "cave" as there is increasing hostility towards the Lord. I certainly needed these words of encouragement. As I shall turn 80 next Sunday, I pray that as I move onwards that I shall be faithful to the end.

Sermon7/23/17 6:55 PM
Jeffrey Ludwig | New York City  Find all comments by Jeffrey Ludwig
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Beholding His Glory
Doug VanderMeulen
“ How beautiful to hear of God's glory ”
"Beloved we are now children of God." Pastor Doug tells us passionately that we shall participate in the glory of God, and it is the desire of Christ for us to see, to behold, and participate in His glory. Last week, I heard a sermon saying that Christ was about multiculturalism and painting murals in the hallways of public schools. This sermon is the perfect antidote to that sermon and others like it.

Sermon10/21/12 6:28 PM
Jeffrey Ludwig | Brooklyn, NY  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jeffrey Ludwig
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The Majesty and Mystery of Marriage
Dr. James E. Adams
“ Bold and To The Point ”
This was the third sermon preached or proclaimed by Pastor Adams that I listened to today. I listened to this one because my wife and I had had an argument, and I was looking for help. The help came, and more than help as he emphasized that marriage was more than mere emotions, nor is it mainly based even on something as basic as compatibility. That last point amazed me. Rather, the basis for marriage is as deep as creation itself, and of our individual and social identities. Marriage is not primarily psychological (Adams does not express his thoughts this way, but I am interpreting here) but is spiritual through and through and is foundational. He asks the question, why is it that sex belongs only in marriage. At that point, I stopped the audio and we called our daughter into the room to listen as he gave the explanation. It should be convincing to any young person hearing it, especially if they are already believing in Jesus Christ. Pastor Adams also repudiated the desire to normalize homosexual marriage or unions as being decidedly wrong-headed and leading society astray. It was a wonderful tour do force of Biblical power as the word of God spoke directly from the pulpit into our hearts. Thank you.

Sermon10/21/12 6:21 PM
Jeffrey Ludwig | Brooklyn, NY  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jeffrey Ludwig
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Persecution, Prayer and Power
Dr. James E. Adams
“ Direct and Simply Expressed, Yet Profound ”
This sermon ultimately does not reside "in" us, but comes from an almighty God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, who can somehow transform the devastation of torture and murderous persecution into tremendous kingdom growth and renewal. We have to get to the point where we can look beyond even the most horrific tales of persecution into the power that is the presence of God, especially as far as evangelism and saving of souls goes. Pastor Adams reveals these truths in a compelling way, and if, like me, you sometimes find yourself more timid than you would like to be regarding your witness, then you will be MOST ENCOURAGED by this sermon. Amen.

Sermon10/21/12 6:15 PM
Jeffrey Ludwig | Brooklyn, NY  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jeffrey Ludwig
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Substitutionary Salvation
Dr. James E. Adams
“ Timely and Powerful Sermon! ”
During family devotion this past week, we have been reading Hebrews 10 & 11. This powerful sermon gathered together our studies in a way that was more clear and at the same time more comprehensive than our own conversations on the topic of substitionary atonement. Especially for the sake of our 16 year old daughter, I had tried to clarify (1) why certain educated unbelievers argue that substitutionary atonement is "immoral" (sic), and explain what the answer to them would be, and (2) to flush out the deep meaning of the substitution (sometimes called "vicarious atonement"). Pastor Adams covered the ground better than I could ever hope to, and my wife and I were blessed listening to it today, 10/21/12. In fact, I listened twice as she had arrived home only after I had done my first run through. Thank you Pastor Adams for this profound preaching.

Sermon9/30/11 5:34 PM
Jeffrey Ludwig | Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Jeffrey Ludwig
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A Cure For Depression - Psalm 13
Doug VanderMeulen
“ Great Sermon! ”
I had just written a list of my overwhelming sorrows in an email to a friend, and said that I was turning to Pastor Doug's sermons to seek a word from the Lord Almighty. Then, when I went to the list of recent sermons what did I find?! This sermon! Talk about God's perfect timing! If you are experiencing some serious heartaches, this sermon will not only encourage you, but restore Godly clarity to your muddled thinking about who you are and God's promise-keeping -- His perfect will and covenantal love. Also, we are reminded repeatedly that we are living in (and are contributors to) this evil age. For me, it is very helpful to hear the word "evil" used, and to know that I am contributing to this evil. Yet, because of Christ's abundant love and mercy, He is intervening and ministering to me, and I can rejoice in the abundance of His love and goodness. Amen. Please take the time to listen to this sermon and allow the Lord God Almighty to give you more than a glimpse of His love.

Sermon7/8/11 7:11 PM
Jeffrey Ludwig | Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Jeffrey Ludwig
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Two Ways - Two Views - Psalm 2
Doug VanderMeulen
“ A Passionate, Hopeful Sermon for a Sinful World ”
I have been listening to Pastor Doug's sermons for years, and this sermon must rank among the most passionate and profound that I have heard (this in no way should be taken to imply that other sermons are not profound). You see, I have been anguished about the passage into law in New York State of the legalization of homosexual marriage. In this preaching of Psalm 2, Pastor Doug explains that the Psalm reveals that there are two worldviews: those who love God and embrace His sovereign Lordship and those who reject Him. I couldn't do justice to the sermon by reiterating the many points made that expanded on this theme of two worldviews, but I can say that I have found consolation in this sermon. I am consoled that even though I am a sinner through and through I am walking on a path of blessedness desiring to serve my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, whereas, as Doug frequently communicates, the world LOVES THE DARKNESS. This is a deep reality that is under our sovereign God who is both severe and merciful. If any reader of this comment is undecided about whether to take the time to listen to this sermon, I seriously recommend that you make the time, take notes, and receive the powerful truths that are expressed.

Sermon3/3/07 5:10 PM
Jeffrey Ludwig | Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Jeffrey Ludwig
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“ Our Corruption is Very Corrupt ”
This is an incredible sermon! Pastor VanderMeulen reveals that God sees that the ages old attempt by believers as well as non-believers to make the invisible God into visible images or idols is linked to the American worship of self. God understands this self=worship for what it is: hatred of him. Also, he shares his experience working in prison ministry. He found that the prisoners would deflect facing their criminal guilt by saying that some other criminal was more guilty. He reminds us that we are guilty of the same thing regarding our sins. We compare ourselves to others in order to minimize our own sinfulness. Yet, if we are in Christ it behooves us to admit our sins, for indeed we are beloved children of God and HE HAS SHOWN MERCY UPON US! Jesus Christ, our prophet, priest, and king, came and died for us so that we might be lifted up to eternal life in Him and live as new creations. I have burned 8 CDs for distribution to unsaved co-workers as well as three pastors. Truly, it is a mighty word from the Lord that will be most renewing or salvific for those "who have ears to hear." Thank you Pastor VanderMeulen. (It is possible that this comment might be posted twice due to my confusion about the posting process.)

Sermon3/3/07 4:41 PM
Jeffrey Ludwig | Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Jeffrey Ludwig
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“ Our Corruption is Very Corrupt ”
This is an incredible sermon! It is rich with so many Biblical ideas and powerful examples. Pastor VanderMeulen links the ages-old attempt by idolators and so-called followers of God to make visible the invisible God through images with our present-day American worship of self. God does not look at us as "kids will be kids" but sees our worship of self for what it is -- hatred of Him. Further, the pastor shares his experience of working in prison ministry. He tells the congregation that the prisoners would deflect full recognition of their crimes by consistently saying that the other guy did worse crimes. Yes, the pastor sees that we are guilty of deflecting the significance of our own sins. He powerfully preaches how we would rather point to the corruptions in other lives than look at the list of vices listed in Romans and see ourselves in that list. It's such a mighty word from the Lord! I've already burned 8 CD's to give to four Jewish co-workers who have told me they are atheists (I'm a saved Jew myself), my wife's two pastor brothers in the Philippines, another gentleman at work who shares an adjoining office who told me with a great sense of moral superiority [sic] that he is an agnostic, and with a longtime pastor friend who is pentecostal. Thank you Pastor V.

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